New body of the Indian Institute of Materials Management (IIMM), Nagpur branch, has been installed with K S R Divakar as new Chairman, Sukumar Adhikari as Vice-Chairman and Aseem Haruray as honorary Secretary. The selection programme was held in the 38th Annual General Meeting at IIMM Headquarters in Mumbai.
IIMM is the National Apex body representing a wide spectrum of professionals engaged in various facets of Material Management, responsible for planning, sourcing control and distribution of materials. Through its wide network of 50 branches and its 19 chapters, having over 5,000 members nationwide, IIMM dedicates itself to the promotion of Materials Management through its multifarious activities, including executive development programmes, seminars, workshops, in house training programmes, and consultancy assignments.
The Nagpur branch of the IIMM was adjudged as the ‘Best Branch – Non-Metro’ at the recently held NATCOM at Aurangabad. The new office bearers include Chairman – K S R Divakar, Vice-Chairman – Sukumar Adhikari, Honorary Secretary – Aseem Haruray, Honorary Treasurer – Ketan Hingway, National Councillors – N V Raghu Babu, Dharamraj Kumar, A D Hingway, Executive Members – J K Trivedi, R Doifode, Sachin Khodke, Navin Maheshwari.
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