Recently the city has reported many dengue cases in the city. In view of the dangerous situation the civic chief Abhijit Bangar has asked people to maintain cleanliness in the city and urged citizens to clean entire house on any one day of the week, especially the areas that are not in regular use to ensure that the areas remain neat and dry.
During the review meeting conducted on Wednesday, Bangar asked civic officials to create awareness about dry day. He also informed that unused tyres, tubes, pots or utensils having water storage should be emptied and cleaned and dried as these are the places where maximum chances of mosquitoes breeding takes place.
Municipal Commissioner directed Health Department to ensure that each of the blood testing laboratories should be registered with civic body and incentives can be provided to them by NMC. On receipt of information about Dengue the area should be scanned and spraying be done immediately. He said that the key to controlling Dengue is preventing Ades mosquitoes breeding. They breed in fresh water and the eggs multiply very fast and hence household needs to be having stringent cleanliness measures.
As per information, the meeting was held at Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh auditorium at NMC Central Office. Additional Commissioner Ram Joshi, Dr Bhavna Sonkusale, Deputy Director, Health Department, Jayshree Thote, Malaria Control Officer, Deepali Nasare, Filaria Control Officer, Dr Vijay Joshi, Medical Officer, were present on the meeting.
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