Finally, after a long break due to pandemic, the classes for Class V to VIII will resume in city schools with physical attendance of the students and teachers from today. Schools in Maharashtra were scheduled to re-open for Class V to VIII from January 27. However, civic chief issued an order and deferred the resuming of these classes in city schools from February 8 considering the COVID-19 situation. Accordingly, the schools, students, teaching and non-teaching staff, and parents have all geared up for offline/physical conduct of classes.

As per the guidelines, teaching and nonteaching staff of schools were asked to submit test results for COVID-19 before the schools resumed classes. Further, as the guidelines stipulate only one student to be seated on one bench in classrooms, NMC administration has asked the schools with higher number of students on roll to conduct classes on alternate days.
Accordingly, in many schools, parents have been notified the days on which to send their wards to attend classes. Priti Mishrikotkar, Education Officer, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) said that as far as consent letters by parents was concerned, the information could be shared on today evening. For, she said, parents will be sending consent letters with students on today. “Only after taking stock of consents received, can we tell about number of parents who have consented to send their wards to schools,†she added. In several schools, dress code for specific days has been specified.
However, parents are reluctant to purchase new uniforms and shoes as the current academic session would end in a matter of a couple of months. Besides, in many cases, parents are unwilling to send their wards to schools in auto-rickshaws or school vans. Schools have been asked to ensure availability of thermometer, thermal scanner/gun, pulse oxymeter, sanitiser, soap and water etc. They have been asked to ensure display of poster/sticker regarding maintaining physical distance, mark boxes to maintain distance of minimum 6 feet between students in school premises, and also mark different routes for entry and exit. Schools are not allowed to conduct classes in closed classrooms ‘in any case’, and to keep doors and windows of classrooms open for ventilation.