Recently the election of the executive body of Builders Association of India (BAI), Nagpur Centre, for the year 2021-22 was held recently. Chairman and 16 members were elected. Pradeep Nagrare was elected as Chairman, BAI, Nagpur while Prashant Wasade was elected as Secretary, P N Harde as Treasurer, Vilas Harde as Vice-Chairman, Manohar Wadhwani as Vice-Chairman, K J George as General Council Member from Centre Category, Anil Nair as General Council Member and Manoj Dhoble as General Council Member.
Executive Committee Members include S G Baitule, Sanjay Gupta, Rahul Zade, Murli Wadhwani, Purushottam Rohera, Pramod Barai, Aditya Gurubaxani, Nishant Khushlani, Saurabh Athawale, Piyush Musale, Sudhir Paliwal, Praful Dewalkar, and P Sachhani elected as Internal Auditor. The meeting was chaired by Anil Nair, President BAI Nagpur Centre. Guest of honour were Rajendra Athavale, former State President BAI. They congratulated the newly elected team. BAI is the only all India apex representative body of civil engineering construction companies. BAI has 250 members spread over three centres.