The first of the two papers of B Ed examination of winter 2019 was conducted smoothly by Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU) on Thursday. The examinations in two subjects could not be held due to continuous lockdown. Director of Examinations and Evaluation Professor Prafulla Sable personally visited some examination centers in Nagpur and Katol and ensured smooth conduct of the examination.
Professor Sable informed The Live Nagpur that the University had taken adequate efforts to ensure that the students reach their respective examination center in time. Civic authorities and police personnel were requested to allow these students to reach their examination centers, without any hurdle.

Three students who arrived here a little late from Pune were also allowed to appear for the examination and were granted extra time, Professor Sable stated. Their bus arrived late here and they had to spend some time with the local authorities to convince them about the purpose of their visit to the city.
The second paper of the examination will be held on March 20. Professor Sable expressed hope that the second paper will also be conducted without any problem. About regular examinations of 2020-21 academic session, Professor Sable stated that on-line examinations in the first phase will begin on March 25.