After it was found that many home quarantine patients violating isolation guidelines, civic administration (NMC) has decided to paste stickers on their homes. Earlier, flying squad set up at 10 Zones noticed that some of the COVID-19 positive patients were not found at the listed address. Later, they were tracked down roaming in their locality. So, the sticking, a poster identifying houses with COVID-19 patients, would ensure that neighbours are aware and would be able to report violation to the civic body. The sticker being affixed reads “Positive COVID-19 Patient Home Isolation†and also the name of the patient and the duration of home isolation (from when to when).

With sharp surge in novel coronavirus infection, civic officials reviewed the situation and found that the transmission chain was not breaking due to such blatant violations by positive patients mixing among others in the society. Similarly, the civic body has started imposing fine of Rs 5,000 and also initiate police action subsequently against violation of isolation guidelines. People testing positive for COVID-19 are allowed to stay at respective homes in case they do not have symptoms. However, at the same time they have to follow rules, but its violations is not helping the cause of breaking the transmission chain of the infection in the city.