Growing cases of corona are worrisome. If proper measures are not taken, there will be serious circumstances. Therefore, special attention should be given to the patients who are in-home quarantine. Health Committee Mahesh Mahajan said that the Corona situation in the city can be brought to control.
The meeting of the Health Committee was held in the class of Health Committee Chairman of Nagpur Municipal Headquarters. in the meeting along with Chairman Mahesh Mahajan, along with Jagdish Gwalaban, Member Nagesh Mankar, Bhagyashree Kanitade, Bhagyashree Kanitade, Medical Health Officer Dr. Sanjay Chilkar, Solid Waste Management Deputy Commissioner Dr. Pradeep Dasarwar, Executive Engineer Sonali Chavan, Assistant Health Medical Officer Dr. Vijay Joshi, Veterinary Officer Dr. Gajendra Mahalale, etc. were present.

Health Chairman Mahesh Mahajan was reviewed by the administration at this time and the proposed system was reviewed. Indira Gandhi Hospital, Isolation Hospital, Ayolition Hospital is now working as a COVID Hospital and 40 beds will be arranged in the next two days in these hospitals. These hospitals can recruit patients who do not need a ventilator. The officials said that serious patients who come to this hospital will be sent to Medical, Mayo.
The Speaker gave instructions to plan the initial information from the Corona control room and to give special attention to the cleanliness in the city. He also mentioned that if someone is not abiding by the rules, they should take action against them. He also reviewed the Health Department (cleanliness). Speaker Mahesh Mahajan also directed to planning the instructions made by the committee members regarding Corona.