The question, whether a dead person can spread New Corona Virus confronted many common people. As the body of a person who died of Corona infection is not handed over to the relatives. Or if given, it is completely covered in PPE kit.
The question that after the death of a person, he would neither sneeze nor would cough or spit. How can he spread the infection? People had started demanding the body of dead persons for performing last rites. A lot of emotions are involved in the demand.

The experts in the field stated that the person who died of Corona infection is fully loaded with the virus. The Corona virus can remain in the body in dormant stage for some time. During decomposition of the dead body water is released which can be a major threat in spreading the infection. During this procedure of decomposition or for any other reason, if mucous if comes out of the body can pose serious threat to those who come in contact with the body.
Even post mortem has not been allowed of the body, if it is infected by Corona virus. Those carrying out will be under threat of getting infection. The doctors will not be ready to perform post mortem of these bodies infected with the dreaded virus.
The threat to life has posed a major hurdle in further study of the behaviour of the virus in the human body, its impact, and what can be done to prevent it, the experts have opined.