Central Board of Secondary Examination has issued important instructions regarding the conduct of Practical/Project/Internal Assessment components for Class-XII Examinations 2021
CBSE has issued complete modalities of conduct of practical examinations and certain changes in the process of conducting Practical/Project/Internal Assessment components for Class-XII.
In the prevailing circumstances and the problems being faced by the schools the following clarifications and instructions are brought to the notice of all the schools

- Students Requested For Transfer of Centre
(a) Vide communication dated 16/03/2021 the students were allowed transfer from their school to any other school where they are staying due to various reasons in pandemic situations. Now in the light of letter no. CBSE/CE/Practical/2021 dated 06/06/2021 the schools have been directed to conduct online assessment only in cases of Practical/Project/Internal Assessment components. Also, the matters of transfer/change of centre for the purpose of practical examinations have become infructuous. Accordingly, the Practical/Project/Internal Assessment of all the students is to be conducted by the original schools of the candidates from where the LOC of the candidates was submitted.
(b) The schools will ensure safety concern of their students. All the arrangements shall be made by the schools keeping in mind COVID guidelines.
- Students Earlier Remained Absent
Students were marked as [Absent (Ab), Covid(C) or Transfor (T)] at the time of submission of practical marks by the schools who have already submitted and finalized their practical marks.
Online facility for uploading of marks of candidates marked as [Absent (Ab), Covid(C) or Transfer (T)] will be provided shortly in the online link to the schools. Thereafter, schools will upload data.
- Other Instructions to Assist the Schools
(a) Practical Examinations in online mode In respect of all the subjects where the external practical examiners were appointed by the Board will be conducted in the presence of external examiners only.
(b) The external examiners already appointed in respect of a particular subject and school shall mandatorily conduct online practical examination. The employer schools of the external examiners shall extend all help to the schools where their teachers have been appointed as external examiners. In cases, where external examiners are not available (due to justifiable reasons only), the procedures prescribed by the concerned Regional Offices for replacement/re-appointment of external examiners may be followed.
(c) During the online practical examination the school will send the blank practical award list to the external examiner and the external examiner after entering the marks and signing the award list will send it back to the school through electronic means i.e. email etc. The school’s internal examiner will also sign this award list and after completing other formalities will upload it at the portal.
(d) The process of conduct of online practical examination etc. and uploading of marks shall be completed by 28/06/2021 under all circumstances.
All schools are requested to follow the instructions strict.