Half of eligible including Healthworkers, FLW still eluding second dose
The Nagpur Municipal Corporation is providing confusing figures about Corona immunisation. When it states that about 10 lakh persons, out of 19.73 lakh eligible population have completed complete vaccination, the figures in the table provides a different figure.
In the tables provided the last figure says complete vaccination has been done for 27,33,619 persons.
According to NMC reports 17,30,308 persons have received first dose of vaccine and the number of persons who have taken second dose is 10,03,311. Thus, only about 10 lakh persons have been completely immunised (with second dose).
The state government has announced that immunisation target should be completed, by administration of at least first dose, by November end. The NMC is required to administer even the first dose to about 2.4 lakh persons in the next 15 days. The target of complete immunisation would take more time as only about 50 percent target has been achieved so far.

Surprisingly even Health Workers and Front Line Workers are lagging behind in taking the second dose. The NMC report says that 49,611 Health Workers were administered the first does. Those who have taken the second dose are 30,351. Thus 19,260 Health Workers have not yet been completely innoculated. Similar is the situation for front Line Workers. In all 56,952 have taken first dose, while only 39,204 have taken the second dose. The remaining 17,748 Front Line Workers have not taken the second dose.
The reasons for others including senior above 60 years of age, persons with co-morbidity, persons between 45 and 60 years and persons in 18-45 age group, could be different for not getting immunised. The Health Workers and front Line Workers were given priority for immunisation. This was followed by senior citizens and those with co-morbidity.
The deficit for seniors (60+) is 68,013, those with co-morbidity 60,953; for 45-60 category – 50,570 and for 18-45 age group – 51,453.
The Municipal Commissioner has appealed to the people to get themselves innoculated at the earliest. It appears that even after having made arrangements at 166 centres NMC has not been able to motivate people for complete immunisation. Different strategies may have to be planned by the authorities for motivating people, instead of imposing restrictions on visit to malls, cinema theatres, educational institutions etc.
Besides 19.73 lakh eligible persons for immunisation, a huge population of children from about 30 lakh population remain under threat of getting Corona infection.