National Railway Mazdoor Union, Administration Branch, Central Railway, Nagpur has organized blood donation, health checkup & eye checkup camp on the occasion of constitution day in NRMU Mandal Parishad Hall, Nagpur on 26/11/2021. On this occasion, Shri Jaysingh, ADRM, Shri. P. S. Khairkar, ADRM, Dr. Shri C. Biswas, Chief Medical Supdtt, Shri K. S. Patil, Sr. DCM, Shri N. S. Kazi, Sr. DPO&Shri S. K. Jha, Divisional Secretary, Shri Debashish Bhattacharya, Divisional President NRMU grace the occasion and preamble of the constitution was expressed amongst the gatherings.

The blood donation, health checkup & eye checkup camp was conducted by the team of Shri Bhavani Multispecialty Hospital &Research Institute, Pardi, Nagpur. In this camp, more than 60 employees donated the blood and 125 employees took the advantage of health checkup & eye checkup camp.
On this occasion, Branch secretary Manoj Choithani, Branch Chairman Rahul Gajbhiye, Branch treasurer Sunil Kapte, and delegates of Admin Branch Shri AjayPatil, Shri Ivan Paul, Shri Yogesh Mandpe, Shri Rajesh Shinde, Shri TejramLanjewar, Ms. Sunita Borkar, Smt. Bebinanda Mothe, Smt. Bharti Labhane, Smt. Shraddha Deshpande were present.