A female assistant professor of Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth has lodged a complaint with the State Women Commission alleging harassment by a senior professor of the college.
In this connection, the chairperson of the com mission Rupali Chakankar informed the Vice Chancellor of Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi qVidyapeeth (Akola) Dr Vilas Bhale and directed him to to investigate the matter and take necessary action. The commission has also sought the investi gation report of the matter.
According to victim’s complaint, senior officer of her department had been harassing her for the last two years. Notably, castiest remarks were also made by the senior official. She was humiliated in front of stu Idents and wrong informa tion about her was spread.
The victim had given the information of the issue to vice-chancellor and regis trar. When no action was taken, she had made a writ ten complaint. After that in July 2021, senior officer against whom the allega tions were raised, was transferred to Wardha Krishi Kendra. But, three months later, the same offi cer returned to the same position in Nagpur. The vic tim is still under the fear of of further harassment.