During Winter Session of  Legislative Assembly in addition to members a huge number of officials and citizen of the State visit Nagpur. This create a huge business opportunity  for trader and tourism. This year Govt. has taken a decision to shift the State Winter Session from Nagpur to Mumbai. It is estimated that this decision will result into loss of local trade to the extend of about Rs. 500/- Crores said that B.Cc.Bhartia National President Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT). He was speaking at a program on impact due to shift of witner session organized by TEAM CAIT Nagpur. B.C.Bhartia said that at the time of reorganization of state, under Nagpur agreement, witner session was suppose to be held at Nagpur every year. Holding of session in Nagpur gives an opportunity to people of Vidarbha to raise their issues aand talk about development. During winter session people from all over the state visit Nagpur. They spend on lodging, boarding, local conveyance etc. Many people also visit the tourist spot of near by area. All this gives direct business to local people. Many people buy traditional sweets and handicraft items to carry with them as sovinier. All Hotel, restaurant etc. work with their capacity. Auto-Riksha, Street vendors, handicraft exhibition at south central cultural zone etc. do very good business.
For traders and residents of Vidarbha,witner session of state  legislature is as good as second Diwali. Traders wait for whole year, to see Maharashtra State Assembly Winter Session. President Kishor Dharashivkar said that  Winter Session in Nagpur gives an opportunity to people of Vidarbha to place their issues and concerns before of Govt. He said that by not holding assembly session in Nagpur people of Vidarbha are feeling betrayed. People of Vidarbha feel that the state Govt. is concentrating development in some specified area instead of having a balanced development of the state.

Chairman and prominent Textile Manufacturer Shri Gopal Agrawal said that the winter session generate very big business in textiles products. Jeweller Rajkumar Gupta said that we have seen incrase in trade of Gems and jewellery during this period. Jaykishan Lalwani said that this is very good opportunity for sale of oranges and orange burfi and sonroll etc. which sees very good business during in this period.
TEAM CAIT Nagpur in its meeting has appealed to the state Govt. that if for some reasons Govt. is unable to take winter session in Nagpur, it should convey the Budget session in Nagpur said Secretary Vinod Gupta.Those promently present were Gopal Agrawal, Kishore Dharashivkar , Madhusudan Trivedi, Ravindra Gupta, Dyaneshwar Rakshak , Farooque Akbani, Jiya Shaikh, Kalpana Pande, Nitu Nayak, Deepa Pachori etc.