Cloudy weather reduced day temperature in Nagpur to 41.2 degrees Celsius on Friday that is around 2 degrees C less than yesterday’s temperature, providing relief to the citizens.
All the places in Vidarbha region have registered temperatures today between 36.2 degrees C and 42.5 degrees C. With 42.5 degrees C Brahmapuri proved to be the hottest place in the region today, closely followed by Chandrapur and Gondia with 42.4 degrees C each. Surprisingly, Akola, which is one of the hot places in Vidarbha, has today registered lowest day temperature at 36.2 degrees C, leaving behind Buldana (37.0), which is generally at lower side as far sas day temperature is concerned.
The temperature figures in C at other areas include: Amravati – 38.4, Gadchiroli – 41.4, Wardha – 42.0, Washim – 38.5 and Yavatmal – 41.0.In the meantime time, Indian Meterorological Department has forecast thunderstorm with lightning and gusty winds all over Vidarbha till June 14.