On Wednesday, the National Testing Agency (NTA) published an official notice on both the JEE Main website, jeemain.nta.nic.in, and the NTA website, nta.ac.in. NTA said that the tests will start on July 25, 2022, for JEE Main Session 2.
Tomorrow, July 21, 2022, the JEE Main Session 2 Admit Card will be made available on the official website. The NTA’s official website, nta.ac.in, as well as the JEE Main website, jeemain.nta.nic.in, will both post the admission card. Regarding the availability of the JEE Main Session 2 Exam City Slips, there has been no news.

The name, roll number, exam date, time, and location are all listed on the admit card, along with all other pertinent information about the candidates. On it will also be indicated the exam rules.
The JEE Main Session 2 exam will start on July 25, 2022, according to a notice from NTA that includes 6,29,778 applicants. Nearly 500 cities, including 17 outside of India, will hold the exam. Candidates will need to provide their information, including their DOB and JEE Main Session 2 application number, in order to download the admit card.
After that, the admit card can be downloaded and safely stored for later use.
The official website should be checked frequently by students for updates regarding the JEE Main 2022 Session 2 Exam. Students are taking the Joint Entrance Examination again this time. The first JEE Main 2022 session was held from June 23 to June 29, 2022, and results for BE and BTech students were released on July 11, 2022. In the JEE Main 2022 Session 1 Exam, 14 students received a score in the top percentile.