Shetkari Sanghatna leader Vijay Jawandhia had to face insult while traveling in a state transport bus. Born in the year 1947 Jawandhia completed 75 years of age. Those who have completed 75 years of age have been declared eligible for free transport.
On demand by the conductor, Jawandhia presented his Aadhar Card. The conductor demanded another proof of his age, as month or date of birth is not printed on the Aadhar card. Jawandhia was travelling from Nagpur to Wardha.
As the conductor was not ready to accept Aadhar as the proof, Jawandhia agreed to buy the ticket, but demanded in writing that the card is not acceptable.
The conductor, finally allowed him to travel free of charge.
Jawandhia, in a letter issued to media, stated that in the 75th year of Independence those who have completed 75 years of age or in the 75th year of their age, should not be insulted. The authorities issuing the Aadhar card may include complete date of birth, instead of mentioning only the year of birth. This improvement would help in other fields also where date of birth is mandatory to be mentioned.