Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur the central India,s most talked about Hospital is celebrating Motherhood in the coming week from 11 th April 2023 . Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur is always at forefront to be a part of such great initiative. Dr. Dipti Shende Bawankar consultant- Gynaecologist at Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur is very enthusiastic and happy about the Motherhood Celebration Week. Motherhood is such a subject that, the more you say anything about it , is less. Motherhood is a blessing and miracle in every female’s life .It’s the biggest responsibility of bringing up a good, responsible and healthy human being in this world. No one can be a perfect mother but can try to be a good one. The feeling of growing a baby in the womb and bringing this life in the world is absolutely a great feeling. Mother is the influencer in the children’s life and it’s beyond calculation. Every female has to sacrifice many things in the life during the Motherhood. But at the same time in this process there’s lot of love and fun involved.

Dr. Dipti Shende Bawankar consultant- Gynaecologist at Wockhardt Hospitals Nagpur said, ” My job is to make the Motherhood safe and fill it with beautiful memories. Some mothers have to undergo through a tough period during their Motherhood. Some ladies suffer from medical or surgical problems like thyroid, diabetes , hypertension, heart diseases, kidney problem, gallbladder stone, renal stone, hernia, appendix and many more. Dr. Dipti further added , some ladies have psychiatric illnesses and psychological disorders and that’s the most challenging thing one faces during motherhood period .
As a consultant- Gynaecologist Dr. Dipti Shende Bawankar said, “ Helping all the ladies to realize the immense feeling of Motherhood gives me a great satisfaction and pleasure in my job. When the mother is having tough time due to any health related problems, then helping them sail through that tough time is just like winning the battle. Some ladies go through very difficult times and sometimes this may result in terrifying incident . Anyone who goes through this phenomenon may suffer a lot. But myself as a doctor always feel that the beauty of being Gynaecologist is to ease this process.”
Dr. Dipti Shende Bawankar explained in detail how to cope up with this Motherhood period. She gave an excellent and studious information on Motherhood. She further added Motherhood starts from the day the foetus comes inside the womb and starts growing there slowly for 9 months. Initially patients feels glumpy and clunky , because of lots of mood swings due to hormonal changes during the first 3 months. Taking all precautions in the initial period is very important as the mental and physical development of organs takes place. So consulting doctor in the first month itself is of utmost important. At the end one has to undergo the divine act of giving birth to a human being . It’s painful , but bringing a life in this world is a beautiful thing which is worth for her and is loved the most in the world is her baby and her Motherhood.