A delegation of Vidarbha Industries Association led by President, Vishal Agrawal, Pravin Tapadia, Past President, Prashant Mohota, Hon. Secretary also accompanied by Anil Chandak, CA Nitin Agrawal and Ramesh Bansal met Dr Harshdeep Kamble, Principal Secretary (Industries & Mining), today, 7th July 2024 at MIDC Office, Nagpur and submitted a detailed memorandum with suggestions related to development of industries regarding Package Scheme of Incentives 2024, Power, MIDC and modalities for Maharashtra Export Policy.
VIA appreciated the efforts of Govt of Maharashtra for approving the electricity duty examination for further 5 years to Vidarbha and Marathwada region w.e.f. 1.4.2024 and requested to early release of GR as well as to finalize the revised Vidarbha-Marathwada Energy Incentive Scheme asap.
Dr Harshdeep Kamble, Principal Secretary – (Industries & Mining), welcomed the members and said the Government is concentrating on formulating special sectoral policies to enhance the growth and progress of Vidarbha. He further assured that he will incorporate the suggestions and feedback shared by VIA will be taken up these issues with the concerned departments for resolving promptly
While discussing with the Principal Secretary (Industries & Mining), VIA raised issues and given suggestions for the PSI in the new industrial policy 2024 to consider the investment under captive power (solar/wind mill) as eligible investment & to de-link the interest subsidy with power bill, to remove anomaly for Special LSI & LSI unit, to reduce the operating period to a more reasonable level. Option to choose between SGST Refund, Capital Subsidy & turnover linked incentive, Deduction of stamp duty & electricity duty from SGST amount, Issues related to transfer of units purchased from NCLT, Separate Policy for Circular Economy and Sectorial Policy and early issue of modalities. VIA stressed expansion and diversification units to be treated at par with the new units.
Dr Kamble said that entrepreneur, who set up a new unit under ODOP Scheme must get additional incentives over & above the ceiling of PSI. He further said revision has been done in the technical committee meetings related to interest subsidy in “The Maharashtra Electronic Policy 2016.” In the coming new policy, incentives be provided to bring down logistic cost for exports.
Power related Issues : VIA stressed there is a need to have a relook at the exorbitant power costs and provide power at an affordable rate and requested to restore the old power incentive Scheme given for Vidarbha & Marathwada, Security Deposit be reduced to one month’s average electricity bill. Implementation of Solar Net Metering upto 5 MW and Solar Group Captive Model. To issue new guidelines for delegation of power for SOP & Non-SOP from DOP Mumbai to SE(O&M) Circles regarding for Load reduction / Load Enhancement of Voltage Level 11KV/33KV, etc.
Further VIA requested to expedite the early issuance of modalities for Export Promotion Policy 2023, which was declared in April 2023.
On this occasion, MIDC – Rajesh Zanzad, Chief Engineer, Sunil Akulwar, Supt Engineer, G O Bharti, JDI, Nagpur and SS Muddamwar GM – DIC, were also present.