Bigg Boss OTT 3, hosted by Anil Kapoor, concluded on August 2 with actress Sana Makbul emerging victorious and claiming the winner’s title. She took home the trophy and a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh. With the end of the OTT season, attention has now shifted to the highly anticipated main season, Bigg Boss 18. The buzz around the upcoming season is intensifying, and if reports are to be believed, Salman Khan will return as the host this year. Salman was unable to host Bigg Boss OTT 3 due to his filming commitments for his movie Sikandar. A source close to the development has informed the media that Bigg Boss 18 is set to premiere on October. While the official list of contestants has not been confirmed yet, many potential participants are being approached, sparking considerable speculation and excitement.
Recently, Bigg Boss OTT 3 contestant Payal Malik shared in her vlog that her husband Armaan Malik’s second wife, Kritika Malik, has been chosen for the upcoming season of Bigg Boss. This announcement has heightened anticipation as fans eagerly await the official confirmation of contestants. Various names are circulating online, hinting at a diverse and exciting lineup. Rumored participants include popular actors such as Isha Kopikar, Shiney Ahuja, Gurucharan Singh, Arjun Bijlani, Karan Patel, Sameera Reddy, Surbhi Jyoti, Pooja Sharma, Shoaib Ibrahim, and Dalljiet Kaur. Additionally, social media influencers like Abhishek Malhan, Mr. Faisu, Deepika Arya, Dolly Chaiwala, Maxtern, and Thugesh are also speculated to join, promising a mix of entertainment and digital fame in the house.
Furthermore, reality TV stars such as Kashish Kapoor, Digvijay Singh Rathee, his girlfriend Unnati Tomar, Siwet Tomar, and Akriti Negi from Splitsvilla 15 are also reportedly in talks to join Bigg Boss 18. Adding to the excitement, several reports suggest that contestants from Bigg Boss OTT 3, including Shivani Kumari, Vishal Pandey, and Adnaan Shaikh, might be brought into the main season, creating a blend of new and familiar faces. As the premiere date approaches, the excitement among fans continues to build. The potential return of Salman Khan as the host and the speculation surrounding the contestant lineup have only heightened the anticipation. With a mix of actors, social media influencers, and reality TV stars rumored to join, Bigg Boss 18 promises to deliver an engaging and entertaining season. Fans are eagerly waiting for the official announcements and the return of the ever-popular Salman Khan to steer the show through another thrilling season.