As India prepares to celebrate its 77th Independence Day, the main event in Nagpur will take place at the Divisional Commissioner’s office, where Deputy Chief Minister and Guardian Minister Devendra Fadnavis will hoist the national flag. Preparations for this significant occasion were thoroughly reviewed on Thursday by Divisional Commissioner Vijayalakshmi Bidari, who met with key officials from various departments.
The review meeting, held in the conference hall of the Divisional Commissioner’s office, was attended by Soumya Sharma, CEO of the Zilla Parishad; Pradeep Kulkarni, Deputy Commissioner of the General Administration Department; Shashikant Satav, Deputy Commissioner of Police; Rahul Madane, Deputy Commissioner of Police; and Vinod Rapatwar, District Information Officer, along with senior officials from the police, public works, health, and other relevant departments.
Commissioner Bidari emphasized the need for seamless coordination among departments to ensure the successful execution of the Independence Day program. A full rehearsal is scheduled for August 13 at 9:05 AM, leading up to the main event on August 15, also at 9:05 AM, when Deputy Chief Minister Fadnavis will hoist the tricolor. The event will feature a performance by the police band, including the national anthem and the Maharashtra state song. Additionally, the Deputy Chief Minister will present various awards and deliver an address to the gathered attendees.