Nagpur District Chess Association (NDCA) celebrated its golden jubilee year in association with Dhanwate National College by organizing ‘One day Golden Jubilee Open Rapid Chess Tournament’ at Matoshri Vimaltai Deshmukh Sabhagruh, Dhanwate National College, Nagpur on 8th December, 2024. The tournament was conducted by Nagpur District Chess Association, Nagpur. In all 166 players of different age took part in the tournament. A cash prize of Rs. 50,000/- was awarded to first 20 players along with 2 best female & 2 best veteran participants and also trophies were awarded to first 3 boys & first 3 girls in each age group of u/7,9,11,13,&15 age group participants. In all 8 rounds were played.
Earlier the tournament was inaugurated at the hands of Dr. Devendra Wankhede, HOD of Sports & Physical Education Department of Dhanwate National College, Nagpur. Other guests present were Shri Dilip Kamdar, President, NDCA; S.N. Parkhi, Treasurer, NDCA & Pravin Pantawane, the Chief Arbiter. The programme was conducted by K K Barat, Secretary, NDCA. In conclusion prizes were distributed at the hands of Dr. Devendra Wankhede, HOD & the Professor, Dhanwate National College, Nagpur. Other guests present in the prize distribution ceremony were K K Barat, Secretary, NDCA and S.N. Parkhi, Treasurer, NDCA. The prizes were announced by Pravin Pantawane, the Chief Arbiter.
The Chief Arbiter of the tournament was Pravin Pantawane & he was assisted by Deepak Patrikar, Shrikant Bagde, Dinesh Kokate, Sheetal Panbude and Miss Gayatri Panbude.