In celebration of 150th Anniversary of IMD, RMC, Airport Nagpur and IMS, Nagpur jointly organized an inter college: debate & poetry contest.
Debate on the topic “Ongoing sustainable infrastructure development in present scenario with respect to weather” and self composed poetry on “ Climate change , weather and health and weather induced disaster” for the under graduate and post graduate students. The students of various colleges from Nagpur participated in large numbers. The events were completed with enthusiasm and all the participants were interested in taking part in the competition. Shri.R.Balasubramanian, Scientist- F and Head of the Department; Dr Rizwan Ahemed, Scientist –D; Dr Praveen Kumar Scientist-C; D.r RavindraAkre , Secreatary, IMS, Nagpur and Prof. Dr SujataVasantrao Naik, Govt. Institute of Arts and social sciences prominently attended the session. On the occasion Dr Akre’ s self composed poetry book “Antarang kee Aawaj” was gifted to the prize winning students. Reena Surpam, Mohan Sainis, Ajay Rai, R.Shebre,
Milind Phadke, AnnadGunjan, Shivam Mishra, Rajesh Sharma,
Manish Kumar, Madhu, Snehal, Promod, Pranay, Akshya and others worked hard forthe success of the event.