Shivaji Nagar Gymkhana (SNG) boys and girls teams entered the final in the ongoing District Sub-Junior Basketball Tournament organised by SNG at its court on Tuesday. In the girls section SNG got the better of NASA 67-12. In the final they will take on GKM who defeated NBYS 28-11. In the boys category, SNG overcame DKM 46-12. In the second semi-final, NBYS quelled the challenge of GKM 34-27. On Tuesday girls final will be played at 6 p.m. followed by boys at 7 p.m.
Results (all semis): SNG A (Gunjan Mantri 36, Eesha Kulkarni 8) beat NASA (Sana  Deshmukh 4) 67-12.(17-2,7-4,22-2,21-04);
GKM (Eshika Jivtode 11, Anushka Bokhade 09) bt NBYS (Vijaya Hiwase 05) 28-11 (06-04, 11-02, 05-04, 06-01)
Boys: NBYS A (Ashutosh Sharma 16, Ojas Deshpande 10) beat GKM (Aryan Motghare 6) 34-27. (4-7,8-8,8-4,14-8)
Boys: SNG (Chitraksha Garge 15, Sarthak Dhuldhuke 13) beat DKM (Kushal Agrawal 4) 46-12 (13-6, 6-2, 14-2, 13-2); NBYS A (Ashutosh Sharma 16, Ojas Deshpande 10) beat GKM (Aryan Motghare 6) 34-27. (4-7,8-8,8-4,14-8)
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