It has been reported that the Zilla Parishad is facing the financial crunch and the model code of conduct in the recent elections has aggravated the issue. To monitor the issue, the district collector Ravindra Thakray has convened a meeting in which the heads of the department of the Zilla Parishad have participated. The meeting was mainly focused on the timely utilization of funds released by state government, DPC and mineral authority before the model code of conduct for next election.
As per information, the Nagpur ZP has received Rs.450 crore funds from DCP and other sources and many works are in progress and while work orders have been issued for other works and few are stuck in administrative process. As per sources, the education, social welfare and health department have got highest funds. Here the point to be noted that the model code of conduct for the upcoming two elections is expected and this may create problems for utilising funds. In this review meeting, the district collector has asked the authorities to use the funds before the model code of conduct prior to the Nagpur ZP election.However, the languid attitude of the administration failed to utilize even 10 percent of the allotted funds. Another brooding problem is that the financial year will end in next three months and model code of conduct would be implemented and the ZP administration is really in hot water regarding proper management of the funds before the ZP elections and Graduate constituency (proposed) election.