Mumbai: Giving huge response to the appeal made by Mahavitaran, 3 Lakh 63 Thousand Consumers in the State sent their April months reading by taking self-meter reading and uploaded through a portal or Mobile app. The electricity bills of these consumers are given based on their usage. Pune leading the number of self-meter reading consumers with 69 thousand 912 followed by Kalyan zone having 58 Thousand 210 Consumers.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the State announced lockdown in the State as an effective way to curb it. Due to which Mahavitaran has stopped visiting consumer premises for meter reading since 23rd March. Even the printing and distribution of bills has also been stopped.
During this lockdown, the decision was made to generate an average bill of the consumers. However, there is a facility available for the consumers to take a self-meter reading and upload it through the Mahavitaran website or Mahavitaran mobile app.
Mahavitaran appealed its consumer to send the meter reading through these options to get accurate bills. Messages with the due date of sending the self-meter reading were sent to consumers who had registered their mobile number with Mahavitaran. Giving a huge response to the appeal of Mahavitaran, 3 Lakh 63 Thousand 175 consumers have sent their meter reading of April month through Mobile app and web portal.
The number of consumers sending their self-meter reading from Pune-69912, Kalyan-58210, Bhandup-37543, Nagpur- 27720, Nashik- 25831, Kolhapur- 22728, Baramati- 20941, Jalgaon- 17664, Aurangabad- 16374, Akola- 13767, Amravati- 13540, Chandrapur- 8824, Konkan- 8542, Nanded- 7348, Gondia- 7268 and Latur- 6963.
The consumers who were unable to send their meter reading are given average bills. These consumers will be given accurate bills according to their usage, once the meter reading by visiting their premises gets start. However, Mahavitaran appeals its consumers to upload their self-meter reading through the website and web portal, unless the actual practical meter reading process starts by Mahavitaran.