Earlier the directorate of primary education of State government had issued a letter in regard of 25 % admission process under Right To Education Act. The time limit of schools’ registration was fixed. Eventhough this date got postponed, February 9 was the final day for online application process for the parents. Last year, 662 schools had done registration in Nagpur city and district for RTE. But this year only 294 schools have done registration. The last for registration of schools is February 10.

The point to be noted here is that under section 18 of the Right to Education Act, the schools have to do registration for giving free registration under RTE quota. The schools also have to submit guarantee letters. Under this, the schools keep 25 % seats in their admission quota for RTE. Despite coming under ambit of RTE, more than 50 % schools have not done registration. Chairman of RTE Action Committee Mohammad Shaheed Sharif said that as per official figures, more than 50 % schools have not done registration. In such situation there is question of how necessary online process for parents should be conducted. There is provision in RTE to take action against schools failing to do registration.