As we know the Covid-19 cases are increasing in city and in view of the serious situation, now permission of Zonal Officer of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) is mandatory for organising marriage and functions in hall and lawns. Municipal C o m m i s s i o n e r Radhakrishnan B on Thursday issued a modified order relating to requirement of permission from Zonal Assistant Commissioners for any sort of function. Since, ultimately responsibility of health rests with civic body; Municipal Commissioner invoked power vested with him under Disaster Management Act to direct organisers to take permission from Zonal Offices.

NMC has 10 Zonal Offices spread across city and Municipal Commissioner the other day had capped invitees’ numbers in marriages and functions in closed spaces to 50 persons and to 25 of capacity of 100 persons which is less in open spaces. During booking of hall or auditoriums, the organisers have to seek permission from respective police station. As per information, in-charge for looking after halls, lawns must take prior permission from Assistant Commissioners before organising any activity at their establishments. They will have to submit an undertaking that they would ensure that all COVID-19 norms relating to capping of invitees, wearing of masks, maintenance of social distancing and use of sanitizers will be followed in toto.