CJI Sharad Bobde to be honoured with LLD
The 108th Convocation of Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University is being held in two phases. The Special Convocation to award LLD to retired Chief Justice of India Sharad Bobde will be held at 11 am on July 9 at the University’s Convocation Hall. The Convocation will be held on virtual platform. The degree will be conferred upon Justice Bobde at the hands of Retired Supreme Court Judge Vikas Sirpurkar. Governor and Chancellor Bhagatsingh Koshyari will address on-liine.
The Vice-Chancellor of the University Dr Subhash Chaudhari informed media persons that after a gap of 50 years the Convocation is being held in its Convocation Hall. This is also the first Convocation, being held on-line.
The university will confer 77,912 degrees, two D Lit and award 188 medals and prizes during the Convocation. The actual function for award of medals and prizes, however, will be held on July 12. This too has been divided in two different time slots, in view of Covid 19 pandemic. Those in Science and Technology Faculty and Commerce and Management Faculty will be given medals and prizes between 11 am and 1 pm. Those under Faculty of Humanities and Inter-disciplinary Studies will receive medals and prizes between 1.30 pm and 3.30 pm on July 26.
Dr Ratnakar Bhelkar and Dr T V Gedam will be honoured with highest academic award D Litt.
Prachi Agrawal: A BA LLB student of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Law College Prachi Giridharilal Agrawal has secured highest medals, nine Gold and two prizes.
The other prominent winners are Gauri Anant Joshi, MSc Chemistry student of the University’s Department of Chemistry. She has bagged six Gold and one Silver medals.Â
An MBAÂ student of Dr Ambedkar Institute of Management Aditya Dilip Khode will get seven Gold medals.
Poonam Muralidhar Belekar of Anjuman College of Engineering has won six Gold medals.
Department of Dr Ambedkar thoughts student Amol Madhavrao Dhakadey will be honoured with six Gold medals.
867 PhDs: Probably the highest number of doctoral degrees and degrees will be awarded during this convocation. In all 867 PhDs, 65,345 bachelor’s degrees and 11,514 post-graduate degrees will be awarded.
The degrees in different faculties are – Science and Technology – 308 PhD, 27,163 Bahelor’s, 2,417 Master’s. Commerce and Management – 160 PhD, 15,452 Bachelor’s, 4,370 Master’s. Humanities – 2 D Litt, 257 PhD, 15,785 Bachemolor’s, 3,491 Master’s. Inter-disciplinary – 142 PhD, 3,402 Bachelor’s, 704 Master;s. Besides these 184 Diploma course students will also get their certificates. The convocation can be viewed on Cisco Webex link, facebook or Youtube.