Actor Kriti Sanon has now rented actor Amitabh Bachchan’s duplex home in Andheri, Mumbai. According to a report, the rent for the duplex unit is 10 lakh per month for two years. The apartment, which is on the 27th and 28th floor, is located at the Altantis building on Lokhandwala Road in Andheri West. The house comes with four car parking lots.
The leave and license agreement of the apartment was registered on November 12. The lease rental term, according to the report, is for 24 months from October 16, 2021, to October 15, 2023.
Amitabh bought the 5,184 sqft property in Atlantis for ₹31 crore in December 2020 but the apartment got registered in April 2021. Kriti has paid an amount of ₹60 lakh as the security deposit.
Amitabh and his son Abhishek Bachchan have also rented out one of their Juhu properties on lease to the State Bank of India for 15 years.
Amitabh is currently living in his Juhu home, named Jalsa. The bungalow was purchased by Amitabh from producer NC Sippy, he recently tweeted. As per a report by Vogue India, the 10,125 square foot house is a two-storey bungalow situated near Juhu’s JW Marriott. From Jalsa to Janak: A list of Amitabh Bachchan’s
properties in Mumbai
The Bachchan family also owns another house in Juhu, named Prateeksha. Amitabh used to live here with his parents, Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan. The family bought house in 1976, as per Amitabh’s Instagram post. His son Abhishek and daughter in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan also tied the knot here in 2007.
Kriti previously resided in an apartment in Juhu. The actor bought the apartment in 2014 and moved in with sister Nupur Sanon and parents Geeta and Rahul Sanon.