Chirag Panjwani is a stand-up comedian from Mumbai. Chirag will be performing live at multiple venues starting in Nagpur at Casa Unplugged, Hingna on February 25. On March 3, he will be performing at Gurgaon, The Comedy Theatre. March 4, he will be performing live in Delhi at Happy High. His tour will conclude in Noida at Comedy Country.
The tickets for all his shows are available at The Book My Show Application.
Chirag’s Nagpur show will start at 6.00 pm sharp at Cafe Casa Unplugged, Hingna T-Point. The tickets are starting from Rs 299/- (Early Bird), Entry for 1 costs Rs 399/- and Entry for 2 is Rs 699/-.
The show will be about Chirag’s quest for revenge and how the quest has changed with time. Chirag’s jokes are about him and being petty in day to day situations, about not acting his age.
He cribs about his girlfriend and then cribs about being single when she’s has enough of cribbing. His comedic style involves hiding inappropriate life experiences inside relatable topics.