The Achievers Preschool in Nagpur held an orientation program on Saturday, July 27, 2024, for the parents of LKG and UKG students. The event aimed to engage parents as “partners in progress” by introducing them to the school’s curriculum, rules, teaching methods, and co-scholastic activities. The program emphasized the belief that parents are educators at home and that educators are parents in school, with the child being the center of focus. Ms. Sharmila Muthye, the Centre Head, welcomed parents and stressed the importance of communication between parents and teachers. She shared insights on nurturing children with love and care for a strong future. Educators showcased their teaching methods through integrated lessons and activities that support children’s overall development. Principal Ms. Pooja Mahawadiwar highlighted the importance of collaboration among parents, the school, and students for holistic growth in early childhood. Parents appreciated the school’s efforts to guide them in supporting their children’s development.