Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Term End Examinations will be commencing from 8th February 2021 and will end on 13th March 2021. They are held at 837 Exam Centres across the country including 104 Jail Centres for Jail Inmates and 19 overseas centers for international students. The Hall Tickets are available on IGNOU website
The University has permitted those who applied for June/September 2020 exam but who could not appear due to COVID are also permitted now without collecting any separate fees. The University has exempted the 1st/2nd year students of Under Graduate and 1st Year students of Post Graduate Programs and promoted them to further year of study. Even if some students do not want to use the exemption and want to appear for exams, they can contact the Regional Centre with their filled Examination form.

The examination dates for some courses like CHE-09, FST-01, CTE-03, BECE-016, AMT-01 and LSE-01 have been changed. Students are advised to download the latest hall ticket from the website. Students are also advised to be in possession of the hall ticket and valid ID Card issued by the University/Government during exam. Mobile phones are not permitted inside the examination hall. Students are required to adhere to the guidelines and maintain the social distancing and hygiene to ensure safety and health of their own and fellow students. Dr P Sivaswaroop, Regional Director, IGNOU Nagpur Regional Centre informed that under Nagpur Region 3514 students are appearing at 11 Exam Centers at different places like Nagpur, Amravati, Chandrapur, Nanded, Buldhana, Sewagram, Gadchiroli and Kurkheda. 2 Exam Centers at Nagpur and Amravati Central Jails for Jail students are also established. Senior Academicians are appointed as Observers at all the centers.