The first Omicron patient has been detected in Maharashtra. The person, who had arrived here from South Africa has been tested positive for Omicron.
The 33 year old youth reached Delhi on November 24 and then travelled to Mumbai and his residence in Dombiwali sub-urb near Kalyan, in Thane district. His test was found positive for COVID19 and was isolated immediately. The samples were sent for Omicron testing, the report of which was found positive. As a precautionary measure, eight of his family members and about 35 persons who came in his contact were tested and found Covid19 negative.
Another person who came from Zambia was reported to be negative for Covid19 and Omicron.

About 1700 persons came to India during the last one month. Out of them more than 100 reached Mumbai. The reports of ten persons were Covid19 positive. The reports of Omicron are awaited.
Dr Rahul Pandit of the Covid19 Task Force stated that there Is no reason to panic with this report. However, he cautioned people to strictly follow the Corona Appropriate Bahaviour, use mask, sanitizer and maintain social distancing. He also emphasized the need for complete vaccination.