With the enactment of Companies Act, 2013, India became the first country in the world to make Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mandatory for select categories of companies mandated under the Act. This legislation has created an important opportunity to mobilise resources and build mechanisms to promote inclusive development in the country. Since the enactment of the Act, the amount spent on CSR has reached to Rupees 18,655 crores in 2018-19.
Companies use multiple methods to implement CSR. Some companies implement CSR through a separate CSR project management wing or may collaborate with other companies, others implement through partner NGOs, some establish a trust or a foundation to implement CSR and still others fund the government initiatives to implement CSR. Due to such a wide diversity in terms of the mode of implementation, professional opportunities exist within the private, public and voluntary sectors. With more and more companies coming in the gambit of the Companies Act, CSR is now emerging from being a part of the Human Resource and Communication Department, to an independent Cell or Unit which requires skilled CSR professionals.

The process of establishing and responding to the CSR agenda within an organization will require specialists who have experience in implementing CSR projects in various fields like health, education etc. Demand for qualified CSR professionals began rising since 2014. Considering this increasing demand for CSR professionals, IGNOU has stepped in to bridge this gap in the demand for trained CSR professionals by launching a Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility (PGDCSR).
PGDCSR programme has been designed in such a way to enhance the holistic understanding of CSR by covering various aspects like CSR fundamentals, its process, implementation and handling of projects and programmes. Students can also get a first-hand experience of CSR projects by opting for a project work. Any graduate is eligible for this one year PG Diploma with fees of Rs. 7000/-. Last date to apply for the ONLINE Admissions (www.ignou.ac.in) for January 2021 Session is 28th February 2021.
Any Senior, mid level officers of Government or Private Companies, Professionals working in NGOs or Development Sector, any faculty, researchers or any graduate who wants to pursue CSR as a Career can join this programme.