Composite Regional Centre For Skills Development Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Person With Disabilities, Nagpur Under Administrative Ministry control of Ali Yavar Jung National Institution of Speech and Hearing Disabilities, (Divyangjan) Mumbai-50 is celebrating 5th foundation day.
On the completion of its 5 years in Nagpur, on the eve of foundation day, CRC Nagpur is organizing two day competitive and cultural programs from October 13. The PwDs participant years 5-10 and 11-25 have been divided into two groups.

To participate in this Competition may contact for further details to  Dr. Ashwini Dahat, Assistant Professor, CRC Nagpur, 8888859929 and Rajendra Meshram, Department of Social Work, 7391929252. Competitors must confirm their registration by contacting.
Out of 21 centers in India, CRC Nagpur is considered to be the only center in Maharashtra. The center has been operating in Nagpur since 2016-17 and is doing a great job in terms of physical treatment and rehabilitation of the disabled.