CS SARRAH KATAWALA has been elected as the Chairpersonof the Nagpur Chapter of WIRC of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
CS MOHIT BATRA has been elected as the Vice-Chairman of the Nagpur Chapter of WIRC of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). CS HARSHAL KILLEDAR is the Secretary while CS DEESHA SHROFF is the Treasurer. Their Tenure is from 19th January 2025 till 18th January 2026. Other Managing Committee members are CS BHAVESH THADANI, Immediate-Past Chairman, CS KHUSHAL BAJAJ- Member,CS SUMIT KHEECHA- Member, andCS DEEPTI JOSHI-Regional CouncilMember of WIRC and Ex-Officio of Nagpur Chapter of ICSI.
The Nagpur Chapter of WIRC of ICSI is the only chapter that caters the students and members all across the Vidarbha Region. At present there are around 500 members and around 4000 students under the jurisdiction of the Nagpur Chapter of ICSI. The Committee’s strategic objective for the year is to enhance the professional brand identity of Company Secretaries (CS) and promote the profession as a career of choice, thereby increasing student enrollment and fostering growth in the field.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is the only recognized professional body in India to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries in India. It is a premier national professional body set up under an act of Parliament, the Company Secretaries Act, 1980. ICSI functions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. The Institute provides top-quality education to the students of Company Secretaries (CS) Course and best quality set standards to CS Members. At present, there are more than 70,000 members and around 2.5 Lakhs students on the roll of ICSI.
ICSI has its headquarters in New Delhi, four Regional Offices in New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, and 73 Chapters across India.
ICSI has been contributing to the initiatives of the Government of India that have the potential to excel in the social-economic growth of India.