The state Government has issued a notification about reversing the decision to dissolve Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT) A Government Resolution (GR) by Urban Development Department has directed Principal Secretary to take necessary measures to restore the agency’s status as planning authority based on cabinet decision taken on February 4, 2021. In was stated in the said meeting that NIT would cease to exist after issuance of formal notification from UDD. But since then owing to inexplicable reasons, for nearly three years the State Government failed to take forward the process for ensuring dissolution of NIT. However, during the said meeting, the planning authority status of NIT was taken away and Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) was nominated as single authority for matters relating to sanctioning development plans within Nagpur city. Though the then State Government again discussed the issue of dissolution of NIT at cabinet meeting on August 13, 2019, and some additional decisions were taken.

But after Mahavikas Aghadi (MVA) Government was formed in Maharashtra, a renewed push was made to revive NIT and restore its status of planning authority. Thus in cabinet meeting of February 4, 2021, the earlier decisions were reversed and NIT was restored and Gunthewari Regulation was entrusted back to the agency. A communication to Chairperson, NIT, by Satish Moghe, Deputy Secretary, Maharashtra Government, directed him to appraise High Court of fresh decision of Maharashtra Government about restoration of the statutory agency and also grant of status of the planning authority. It also stated that process of dissolution of NIT was never completed in entirety and same loophole came handy for new dispensation in State to revive the agency.