The persons taking learning licence while sitting at home will have to submit medical certificate now. Interestingly, the doctors having User ID of RTO will be able to issue medical certificates. This is likely to end menace of fitness certificate of the doctors sitting in RTO office premises is likely to end.
The government has made provision of taking benefit of Faceless service using Aadhar card number. The applicant can appear for test of learning licence while sitting at home. The number of persons availing this service is increaseing day by day.

Around 300 applicants are applying for the learning licences from Nagpur City, rural and east RTO offices. This has made it convenient for the candidate and has reduced the congestion in the office. But it also increases the chances of people with disabilities getting a learning license.
As a result, the Nagpur Rural RTO has made medical certification mandatory for those who apply for a learning license.
For this, the registered doctors in the jurisdiction of the office should obtain the ‘User ID’ through the transport office along with the required documents, an appeal has been made on behalf of the office.
There is provision in Motor Vehicle Act of giving medical certificate by the eligible registered doctors online. But the doctors will have to obtain User ID from Rural RTO to give medical certificates.
The doctors will have to give their MBBS degree, registration certificate of Medical Council of India, minimum four photo graphs of clinic, identity card, Aadhar, passport, PAN card and other docu ments in RTO office. They will get User ID after these documents are verified.
Currently, the business of issuing certificates of medical fit by placing table and chairs on tapri or in the open outside all the three RTO offices is in full swing. It is also doubtful whether the doctor is true or false. What is special is that there is no examination of eyes, ears and body. This method of proving that a driver is capable of taking the lives of millions of people is proving to be fatal. This is being appreciated by the rural RTO for taking measures like ‘User ID’.