The government has allowed cinema halls in Maharashtra to reopen on October 22nd, which is a huge relief for multiplex and single screen owners.
The government has allowed for a maximum occupancy of 50% in cinema halls. The ministry has issued important guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for cinema halls to follow. According to the release, no films will be shown in containment zones, all staff and viewers will have to follow measures.

General cinema guidelines include:
- Adequate physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed outside the auditoriums. common areas and waiting areas at all times.
- Use of face covers/masks covering bath nose & mouth to be made mandatory at all times.
- Designated queue markers shall be made available for the entry-end exit of the audience from the auditorium and the premises.
- The Exit should be done in a staggered row-wise manner.
- The occupancy of the cinemas/theatres/multiplexes shall not be more than 50 percent of their total seating capacity.
- Seating arrangement inside the auditorium of the cinemas/theatres/multiplexer to be made in such a way that adequate physical distancing is maintained.
- Seats that are “Not to be occupied” shall be marked as such during booking (for both online booking and at the box office sale of tickets).
According to the state health department’s bulletin, the Maharashtra government made the decision on Monday after the state reported 1,736 new cases of Covid-19, the lowest daily count in nearly 17 months, and 36 new fatalities, bringing the infection tally to 65,79,608 and the toll to 1,39,578, respectively.